Created to answer problems with conventional computer room settings where students sit side by side facing screens lacking connection to each other. This design provides a triangle of communication between individuals and their work. The monitors pivot so that the "work" can be shared alongside face-to-face interaction, allowing verbal and non-verbal communication to help in their collaboration. They both can work individually within their space as well. The screens and keyboards can then be lowered and stored within the desk itself. It can now be used as a work table, where cutting, gluing, and construction can occur without damaging computer equipment or requiring students to move to another room. The workspace can be reconfigured to move both screens to one side for a dual screen individual workstation. These modular units can be lined up together in various lengths as required. Each unit can be broken down to pass through a standard-size doorway. The desk is also ADA-compliant. The raising and lowering of the monitor were intentionally done manually as a reminder that as much as technology is moving forward, there are still benefits to having analog devices to help along the way.

Modular Desk Unit #12